One stop travel bazaar with all travel related services available on the Internet. Single window platform to access all travel related products including airlines, hotels, packages, insurance, merchandising etc. As it's a constantly evolving platform, it will keep enhancing its product range on a regular basis. Superior technology provided. Irrespective of size, agents will be able to access and buy services on ezeego1. Instant confirmation is provided to customers with real-time inventory and prices. Dynamic Packaging ensures a comprehensive choice of suppliers and products worldwide. Various modes of payment - Online & Offline(Demand Drafts, cheques etc). Credit facility is also being offered against guarantee or deposit. The ezeego1 system is very user friendly hencesaves staff training cost and time. A 24x7 call center will answer and address all queries. Competitive Pricing. ezeego1 also promises buying muscle i.e a chance to pass on the best rates, offer better service and ensure that your client istreated like a priority customer. Earnings in the form of attractive commissions to housewives, the retired sectors, youth and other people who wish to register as Home based agents.